The Others, 2017, hot glue on objects, 48 x 21 x 14 in.

"One Happy Family", 2016-17, hot glue on objects
"One Happy Family", 2016-17, hot glue on objects
"One Happy Family", 2016-17, hot glue on objects
"One Happy Family", 2016-17, hot glue on objects

"One Happy Family", 2016-17, hot glue on objects

The Unnameables, 2016, hot glue on objects, 47 x 115 x 33 in.

The Unnameables, 2016, hot glue on objects

2016, hot glue on objects

2016, hot glue on objects, 23 x 16 x 14 in.
2016, hot glue on objects, 23 x 16 x 14 in.

2016, hot glue on objects, 47 x 28 x 33 in.
2016, hot glue on objects
2016, hot glue on objects
2016, hot glue on objects

2016, hot glue on objects

2016, hot glue on objects,
39 x 16 x 18 in.

2016, hot glue on objects

2016, hot glue on objects

2016, hot glue on objects

2016, hot glue on objects

2016, hot glue on objects, 47 x 12 x 33 in

2016, hot glue on objects, 47 x 12 x 33 in

2016, hot glue on objects
2016, hot glue on objects

2016, hot glue on objects
2016, hot glue on objects

2016, hot glue on objects

2016, hot glue on objects
2016, hot glue on objects
2016, hot glue on objects

2016, hot glue on objects

2015, hot glue on objects
2016, hot glue on objects

2015, hot glue on objects

2015, hot glue on objects

2015, hot glue on objects

2015, hot glue on objects

2015, hot glue on objects

2015, hot glue on objects

2013, hot glue on objects,
60 x 16 x 16 in.

2013, hot glue on objects,
59 x 52 x 16 in.

Installation 2013, Sullivan Gallery, Chicago

Installation (Part) 2013, Sullivan Gallery, Chicago

Installation 2013, Sullivan Gallery, Chicago
Installation 2013, Sullivan Gallery, Chicago

Installation 2013, Sullivan Gallery, Chicago

2012, hot glue on objects

Installation 2012, Sullivan Gallery, Chicago

Installation 2012, Sullivan Gallery, Chicago

Installation 2012, Sullivan Gallery, Chicago

Installation (Part) 2012, Sullivan Gallery, Chicago

Installation (Part) 2012, Sullivan Gallery, Chicago

Installation (Part) 2012, Sullivan Gallery, Chicago

2013, objects and hot glue, a photograph by Haeshin Chung
진정한 죽음은 벌써 선언되어 있다. 내가 '그녀'라고 말할 때, 이미 언어 안에 진정한 죽음이 있다. 내 언어가 의미하는 이 사람은 지금 바로 여기에 있으나, 자기 자신에게서 분리되어 있으며, 자기의 현존과 실존에서 제거되고, 현존이나 실존이 없는 무(nothingness) 속으로 갑자기 내던져진다. 본질적으로 나의 언어는 파괴의 가능성을 의미한다. 즉, 이 파괴적인 사건에 대한 끊임없는 또렷한 암시이다. (WF 323)
Maurice Blanchot

2013, objects and hot glue, a photograph by Haeshin Chung
2013, objects and hot glue, a photograph by Haeshin Chung
2012, objects and hot glue, a photograph by Haeshin Chung
'글쓰기' 없이 쓰는 것, 문학을 문학이 사라지는 부재의 지점에 데려다 놓는 것, 우리가 더 이상 거기에 놓인 비밀들을 두려워할 필요가 없는 부재의 장소로 문학을 이끄는 것은 '글쓰기의 영도 writing degree zero' 이다. 모든 작가들이 일부러 아니면 부지불식간에 추구하는 중성성, 침묵으로 이끄는 중성성이다. (BR 147-8)
Maurice Blanchot
An Owl on the Globe, 2010, objects and hot glue, a photograph by Haeshin Chung

Installation, The Cell-the daily life of a sojourner-day, 2010, objects, drawings, prints, beam projector and slide projector, Grossman Gallery in SMFA, Boston, MA

Installation, The Cell-the daily life of a sojourner-day, 2010, objects, drawings, prints, beam projector and slide projector, Grossman Gallery in SMFA, Boston, MA

Installation (part), 2010, Hot glue on objects, Grossman Gallery in SMFA, Boston, MA

Installation (part), The cell-the daily life of a sojourner: an owl on the cross, 2010, Objects, drawings, prints, beam projector and slide projector, Grossman Gallery in SMFA, Boston, MA
Installation (part), 2010, Hot glue on objects, Grossman Gallery in SMFA, Boston, MA

Installation (part), 2010, Grossman Gallery in SMFA, Boston, MA

The Cell-the Daily Life of a Sojourner: an Owl on the Cross, 2010, objects, drawings, prints, and beam projector, Installation (part), Grossman Gallery in SMFA, Boston, MA
The Cell-the Daily Life of a Sojourner: an Owl on the Cross, 2010, objects, drawings, prints, and beam projector, Installation (detail), Grossman Gallery in SMFA, Boston, MA

An Owl on the Globe, 2010, stuffed animal, hot glue, and ticking clock (inside), 19x19x10 inches

2010, hot glue on objects, (Left) 12x4.5x5 (Right) 19x5x5 inches

(Details) For We Are Where We Are Not 2, 2010, hot glue on objects, projector, 60.5x26x7.5 inches

(Left) For We Are Where We Are Not 1(Right) For We Are Where We Are Not 2, 2010, hot glue on objects, projector 22x95x23/ 60.5x26x7.5 inches

I Look Outside Myself, and the Tree Inside Me Grows, 2010, hot glue on object and projector, 22x95x23 inches

The Others, 2017, hot glue on objects, 48 x 21 x 14 in.
"One Happy Family", 2016-17, hot glue on objects
"One Happy Family", 2016-17, hot glue on objects
"One Happy Family", 2016-17, hot glue on objects
"One Happy Family", 2016-17, hot glue on objects
"One Happy Family", 2016-17, hot glue on objects
The Unnameables, 2016, hot glue on objects, 47 x 115 x 33 in.
The Unnameables, 2016, hot glue on objects
2016, hot glue on objects
2016, hot glue on objects, 23 x 16 x 14 in.
2016, hot glue on objects, 23 x 16 x 14 in.
2016, hot glue on objects, 47 x 28 x 33 in.
2016, hot glue on objects
2016, hot glue on objects
2016, hot glue on objects
2016, hot glue on objects
2016, hot glue on objects,
39 x 16 x 18 in.
2016, hot glue on objects
2016, hot glue on objects
2016, hot glue on objects
2016, hot glue on objects
2016, hot glue on objects, 47 x 12 x 33 in
2016, hot glue on objects, 47 x 12 x 33 in
2016, hot glue on objects
2016, hot glue on objects
2016, hot glue on objects
2016, hot glue on objects
2016, hot glue on objects
2016, hot glue on objects
2016, hot glue on objects
2016, hot glue on objects
2016, hot glue on objects
2015, hot glue on objects
2016, hot glue on objects
2015, hot glue on objects
2015, hot glue on objects
2015, hot glue on objects
2015, hot glue on objects
2015, hot glue on objects
2015, hot glue on objects
2013, hot glue on objects,
60 x 16 x 16 in.
2013, hot glue on objects,
59 x 52 x 16 in.
Installation 2013, Sullivan Gallery, Chicago
Installation (Part) 2013, Sullivan Gallery, Chicago
Installation 2013, Sullivan Gallery, Chicago
Installation 2013, Sullivan Gallery, Chicago
Installation 2013, Sullivan Gallery, Chicago
2012, hot glue on objects
Installation 2012, Sullivan Gallery, Chicago
Installation 2012, Sullivan Gallery, Chicago
Installation 2012, Sullivan Gallery, Chicago
Installation (Part) 2012, Sullivan Gallery, Chicago
Installation (Part) 2012, Sullivan Gallery, Chicago
Installation (Part) 2012, Sullivan Gallery, Chicago
2013, objects and hot glue, a photograph by Haeshin Chung
진정한 죽음은 벌써 선언되어 있다. 내가 '그녀'라고 말할 때, 이미 언어 안에 진정한 죽음이 있다. 내 언어가 의미하는 이 사람은 지금 바로 여기에 있으나, 자기 자신에게서 분리되어 있으며, 자기의 현존과 실존에서 제거되고, 현존이나 실존이 없는 무(nothingness) 속으로 갑자기 내던져진다. 본질적으로 나의 언어는 파괴의 가능성을 의미한다. 즉, 이 파괴적인 사건에 대한 끊임없는 또렷한 암시이다. (WF 323)
Maurice Blanchot
2013, objects and hot glue, a photograph by Haeshin Chung
2013, objects and hot glue, a photograph by Haeshin Chung
2012, objects and hot glue, a photograph by Haeshin Chung
'글쓰기' 없이 쓰는 것, 문학을 문학이 사라지는 부재의 지점에 데려다 놓는 것, 우리가 더 이상 거기에 놓인 비밀들을 두려워할 필요가 없는 부재의 장소로 문학을 이끄는 것은 '글쓰기의 영도 writing degree zero' 이다. 모든 작가들이 일부러 아니면 부지불식간에 추구하는 중성성, 침묵으로 이끄는 중성성이다. (BR 147-8)
Maurice Blanchot
An Owl on the Globe, 2010, objects and hot glue, a photograph by Haeshin Chung
Installation, The Cell-the daily life of a sojourner-day, 2010, objects, drawings, prints, beam projector and slide projector, Grossman Gallery in SMFA, Boston, MA
Installation, The Cell-the daily life of a sojourner-day, 2010, objects, drawings, prints, beam projector and slide projector, Grossman Gallery in SMFA, Boston, MA
Installation (part), 2010, Hot glue on objects, Grossman Gallery in SMFA, Boston, MA
Installation (part), The cell-the daily life of a sojourner: an owl on the cross, 2010, Objects, drawings, prints, beam projector and slide projector, Grossman Gallery in SMFA, Boston, MA
Installation (part), 2010, Hot glue on objects, Grossman Gallery in SMFA, Boston, MA
Installation (part), 2010, Grossman Gallery in SMFA, Boston, MA
The Cell-the Daily Life of a Sojourner: an Owl on the Cross, 2010, objects, drawings, prints, and beam projector, Installation (part), Grossman Gallery in SMFA, Boston, MA
The Cell-the Daily Life of a Sojourner: an Owl on the Cross, 2010, objects, drawings, prints, and beam projector, Installation (detail), Grossman Gallery in SMFA, Boston, MA
An Owl on the Globe, 2010, stuffed animal, hot glue, and ticking clock (inside), 19x19x10 inches
2010, hot glue on objects, (Left) 12x4.5x5 (Right) 19x5x5 inches
(Details) For We Are Where We Are Not 2, 2010, hot glue on objects, projector, 60.5x26x7.5 inches
(Left) For We Are Where We Are Not 1(Right) For We Are Where We Are Not 2, 2010, hot glue on objects, projector 22x95x23/ 60.5x26x7.5 inches
I Look Outside Myself, and the Tree Inside Me Grows, 2010, hot glue on object and projector, 22x95x23 inches